QRIDA Grants – Focusing on Greater Drought Preparedness


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The Queensland Government have announced the opening of 2 new drought grant programs.

Farm Management Grants

A 50% rebate is available for primary producers for eligible professional advice to produce a Farm Business Resilience Plan.  The maximum rebate is $2,500.

A Farm Business Resilience Plan should address the following risks:

  • Production risks
    • Climate and weather,
    • Natural resource management,
    • Biosecurity,
  • Business risks
    • Financial viability,
    • Market,
  • Personal risks
    • Workplace health and safety,
    • Key people.

To be an eligible professional adviser to assist with the Business Resilience Plan, they must have the capacity to develop or contribute to the plan, and hold either:

  • Relevant qualifications and experience to provide the advice, or
  • Membership of a relevant professional body or industry organisation.

Examples of professional advisers are agribusiness professionals, agricultural industry professionals and agronomists, and includes HHH Partners Finance Consultant Alec Sutherland.

Further information on the plan, and how to apply, can be found at https://qrida.qld.gov.au/program/farm-management-grants.

Drought Preparedness Grant

A 25% grant is available to primary producers for the cost of purchasing new permanent capital infrastructure to a maximum amount of $50,000.

The grant must include a Farm Business Resilience Plan, and the infrastructure must address the risks listed in the plan.  Also, you must not have already commenced the project before the assistance is approved.

Examples of permanent capital infrastructure includes:

  • Pipes, water tanks and water troughs.
  • Dam construction and/or expansion.
  • Drilling a new working bore.
  • Water conservation infrastructure and equipment including more efficient irrigation.
  • Water pumps and power supply used to run water pumps.
  • Storage, mixing and feeding out equipment for grain, fodder, molasses and other supplements.
  • Grain storage and equipment that improves the ability of the business to manage drought.
  • Reasonable freight components to purchase and install equipment or infrastructure.
  • Consumables including fuel for own machinery used in relation to the drought preparedness project.
  • Contractor costs to install infrastructure.

Please note a grant is not available if you have received a freight subsidy or Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate under the Drought Relief Assistance Scheme in the same financial year of this application.

Further information on the plan, and how to apply, can be found at https://www.qrida.qld.gov.au/program/drought-preparedness-grants.

If you have any questions or require any assistance with these grants, please contact your HHH Director, or Alec Sutherland directly on 4983 9901.